Hello, how are you? A little bit about me. I'm a conceptual creative, happiest when I'm creating ideas whether that be for work or fun. I also love the craft of writing, in case reading the words I have oh-so-casually thrown across this paragraph haven't made you cry silent tears at uncovering a literary genius.
I want to create things that are so mindblowing, the world will be all "wow, did you see that shit". Piers Morgan's potato head will explode. King Charles will knight me.
By the end of this page, one of two things will happen:
You'll either wonder what the hell my problem is, or you'll feel like you've finally found your soul mate. In both instances, please email me for more information.


Rare photo where I actually look normal.







I do still life paintings. This one is called 'banana'. It works on so many bloody levels.






I paint condiments and have an etsy store so I made this ad.






My poster for a legend.






Mark Denton was giving a talk and set the agency a competition to do a poster. He chose my idea.







I still mourn the death of this script. (but I think Maplin were more worried about their shareholders at the time).








A book I wrote, illustrated and crowdfunded.







I did some stop motion animation. It's about where avatars go in 'life after game'.

It's got nothing to do with the film Avatar, which was shit. Then again, so is this.








I once sent unsolicited paintings to agencies in LA. This is one of them.








Once myself and my old team partner got briefed to do a press ad about how 'outside of the box' our agency was. 🙄
So we drew this badger with a press hat on. It strangely didn't make the cut.

